watercolour and tiny art painted with coffee, tea and wine
Welcome to the world of coffee art
Painting with coffee, wine and tea
It all started on a sailboat during lockdown. My goal was to do a small painting everyday, for 21 days. To keep it simple, I used my morning coffee as paint and sometimes wine or other teas.
These tiny coffee paintings received attention on social media, with others joining in, forming a tight community of artists.
It turned into much more than I could ever have imagined – an online auction, wine labels, various commission work and lots of special stories linking many people around the globe.

“I enjoy watercolour painting techniques because the results are unpredictable; You put down a stroke, but can never be too sure how it will turn out once dry – somewhat similar to my approach to life.”
Nature is
my studio
I have a close relationship with the ocean and the mountains of South Africa and Cape Town, where I alternate my time on land and on our 36ft sailboat, Pluto. I love to live alongside nature and feel very fortunate to be so close to what gives me so much inspiration.